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Joseph (Joe) Trolian
Family, Community, Theater, Career



"What is the essence of Life? To serve others and do good." - Aristotle

Catalyst Life Services Telethon Raises $116k
Joe Trolian served as a guest host for 14 Rehab Telethons presented annually by Catalyst Life Services through 2023. The only year he did not guest host as the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board (MHRSB) Executive Director, Joe sang the National Anthem to kick off the event. Christy Trolian stated that she brought their daughter to every live telethon and she was able to do a check presentation.

Joe had a reputation of being a good sport and willing to take on a challenge on live TV for a sizeable donation to the organization. One year, Joe Trolian sang an excerpt from a popular song and he danced frequently for donations. Read Full Article: Richland Source 

Mansfield Town Roast Makes A Spooky Comeback
One of the best, and funniest, times on stage for Joe Trolian was the Town Roast. This was a fundraising event for Catalyst Life Services where local talent came together and re-wrote the words to popular songs and, in good humor, "roasted" community events, locations, and people. This was in good clean fun. Joe was a featured performer and played a Frankenstein character similar to Herman Munster. Joe did the entire show with green makeup and on 6 inch platform shoes but got to sing a spoof on “No More” from Into the Woods.  Read Full Article: Richalrd Source

Joe Trolian Light Up Lexington Director

Light Up Lexington
Joe Trolian has been an active member of Kiwanis for 16 years. Joe started with the Mansfield Kiwanis group, but since he was unable to attend daytime Mansfield meetings but wanted to stay involved, he transferred to the Lexington Kiwanis club in 2014. One of the events in which Lexington Kiwanis have a significant role is the annual Light Up Lexington. This event kicks off the Christmas season for the village and is a local favorite. Christy Trolian stated that she use to bring her daughter to the event and now she helps her dad pass out candy canes.


The last few years, the Club has been responsible for Santa Claus' arrival in town as well as making sure everyone gets plenty of candy canes. In 2021, Joe Trolian was president of Lexington Kiwanis and had the challenge of helping Santa Claus in a COVID preventative environment. It was a challenging & successful endeavor.   Read Full Article: Richland Source


Joe Trolian Lexington Meet The Candidate

Lexington’s Meet the Candidate Night
Lexington is a very civic minded community. The Lexington Kiwanis Club, of which Joe Trolian is a member, typically hosts a candidates night. This is an opportunity for local, county, and state candidates to meet the community to present their platforms and answer questions.


Joe had the opportunity to MC one of these events. He was able to mediate this challenging event as various candidates tried to stump one another by asking off the wall questions.  Read Full Article: Richaland Source


Gravity Ohio & DLX Serve Thanksgiving Dinner To The Public On Nov. 24
Gravity Ohio was a new organization that Joe became involved with in 2022. Joe Trolian, in his capacity as the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board (MHRSB) Executive Director, was asked to serve on their advisory board to represent marginalized people who had mental health and addiction issues. The founding mission of Gravity Ohio was to create community activities that would be accessible to all, focusing heavily on musical, visual, and culinary arts.


This was an event that went along with other activities being undertaken by the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board addressing homelessness, assisting people in need, and providing inclusive activities for those with mental health and addiction issues. This event provided Thanksgiving meals that could either be eaten at DLX or be taken home for little to no cost.   Read Full Article: Richland Source

Purple Curtain


"An actor must never be afraid to make a fool of himself." - Harvey Cocks
Joe Trolian Gershwin and Porter Mental Health

Gershwin and Porter on Love
Joe Trolian was a featured performer in the musical variety show "Gershwin and Porter on Love" sponsored by Gravity Ohio, featuring love songs from Cole Porter and Ira Gershwin. Joe enjoyed the opportunity to sing classic Porter songs and this brought back great memories of doing the musical "Cole" in 1989 with the Galion Community Theatre. 
Read Full Article: Richland Source


REN95 – Celebrating 95 Years of the Renaissance Theatre
One of the gems of Richland County is the Renaissance Theatre. Joe Trolian was happy to be part of the 95th anniversary celebration. Joe participated in other season previews, but this one was a little bit different as it was a special anniversary for the theater. This celebration included music from many past shows, as well as songs from the upcoming season. Joe enjoyed singing some numbers from the past as well as some shows that he has not performed in such as Les Miserables, Mamma Mia, and Grease. Christy Trolian stated that her daughter also performed with the Mansfield Youth Theater and they also contributed to the celebration.

Read Full Article: Richland Source

Joe Trolian Cast in Sweeny Todd

Cast announced for Theatre 166 production of Sweeney Todd
Joe Trolian returned to the stage after a 25 year hiatus in the Renaissance Theatre's production of Sweeney Todd in its black box "Theatre 166". This show was a particular favorite of his college vocal professor, Norman Wurgler, so much so that Joe performed the song "Joanna" from Sweeney Todd as part of his senior recital.


As part of the ensemble for Sweeney Todd, Joe had a couple of solos and was definitely challenged by the music, but was happy to get back on stage along with his long time friend from high school, Mindy (Taylor) Tischue. Read Full Article: Richland Source


Sondheim’s controversial musical “Assassins” probes Oswald & Booth 
Joe Trolian was excited to back on stage in the musical "Assassins" at Theater 166. Joe is a big fan of Sondheim and this show took a unique approach in its exploration of history. Assassins tell the stories behind the individuals who tried to assassinate presidents, in an entertaining musical fashion. Joe was part of the ensemble but also had the opportunity to play two of the presidents that have been assassinated. Joe found himself typecast as "portly, with facial hair" but died admirably in each of the roles. Christy Trolian stated that when Joe told her what the show was about, she look forward to the performance and was not disappointed.   Read Full Article: Richland Source

Joe Trolian stars in Something Rotter

Young scribes struggle in Shakespeare’s shadow during ‘Something Rotten!’ at the Renaissance
Joe Trolian participated in the fun musical comedy "Something Rotten" as Robin. He spent most of the show wearing different dresses. Just to make things more fun, Director Michael Thomas also cast Joe in several other roles which required 6 costume changes throughout the show. While it was a whirlwind of changes backstage for Joe, it became one of his favorites. Christy Trolian stated that she did not anticipate enjoying seeing her husband in a dress for that long, but she did.  Read Full Article: Richland Source



"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi
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